This school year, districts and charter schools across North Carolina have the opportunity to plan for the figure of gifted education in their schools. In support of this critical work, the North Carolina Association for the Gifted and Talented (NCAGT) is asking some key questions. The end goal is always the same: provide each gifted student the support, encouragement, resources, and partnerships to maximize potential.
NCAGT supports universal screening where each student’s potential is examined through a variety of data points (NC AIG Program Standard 1). Districts are encouraged to examine the results of current identification practices to determine which groups of students are currently overlooked and underserved (NC AIG Program Standards 1 and 6).
Accurately identifying and serving gifted students is a challenge, but one that each district’s 2025-2028 Gifted Strategic Plan should be written to address. Districts should intentionally and strategically consider the unique academic, intellectual, and social-emotional needs of underrepresented groups such as: Culturally, linguistically, economically diverse (CLED) students, highly- and profoundly-gifted, twice- and thrice-exceptional (2e/3e), and other groups of gifted students. Intentionality in plan development will lead to more services which meet the needs of more students (NC AIG Program Standards 1 and 5).
Gifted students are young people first. Therefore, life-events, situations, opportunities to learn, and many other factors can lead to a gifted student being more or less productive at any given time. Gifted students should maintain their identification and continue to receive supports to advance their cognitive boundaries and recognize their potential.
Each gifted program needs the support of others (NC AIG Program Standards 2, 3, 4, and 5). NCAGT encourages partnerships within the school, with families, and with the community at large. Gifted programs should seek out, develop, and maintain partnerships which allow for increased resources, support networks for students, and new idea generation.
NCAGT strongly believes that programs and services are best when parents and community members are part of the development and implementation of the gifted strategic plan (NC AIG Program Standard 5). Going further, PAGE (Partners for the Advancement of Gifted Education) groups in collaboration with NCAGT can help advocate for the needs of gifted students in any local community. NCAGT encourages and supports parents and supporters of gifted education to join together and develop intentional partnerships.
Please contact your local gifted coordinator to find out more about your district or charter school’s plan development. We are so thankful to have so many who care so deeply about the needs of gifted learners.
Please join others for a free learning and collaboration event, Talent Unleashed, on December 5th. This virtual event only requires a few hours of your time, but will equip you with deeper understanding, more resources, and new networks to help advance the mission of supporting the educational and social-emotional needs of academically and/or intellectually gifted students.
