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Join NCAGT on Thursday, August 4th at 7:00 PM for an unforgettable discussion with author Jeffery Blount whose creative penmanship has gifted us with the touching story of The Emancipation of Evan Walls. The live virtual event is free and open to the public. Prior participation in the online discussion is not required! Bring your questions and get answers straight from the source! You can't miss this unique opportunity. Join the discussion Thursday at 7:00 using this Zoom link:
The United States was founded upon two genocides: one against Native-Americans and the other against African-Americans. We continue to struggle to fix the crooked foundations that resulted. We didn't make it crooked, but many of us have benefitted from it. It is a great American tradition to continue to work towards that great arc of justice so that everyone receives the benefits of being American in the best sense of that ideal. Teaching and working to empower our students is a critical part that we personally get to do.